Saturday, November 22, 2008

More Happy Moments With Jessica...

- When all of a sudden traffic slows and you can't figure out why, then, sixteen cars in front of you, you see a cop. Makes me laugh every time
- America's Next Top Model marathons- I don't know why. Don't ask

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Things I'm Grateful For

You know sometimes life is hard. When it gets rough, it is so easy to feel sorry for yourself, to give up, or to feel bitter. Sometimes it feels like you've got nothing to look forward to because all that you've waited for has fallen through. The good news is that there are so many things about this life that make it totally worth it. Here's a list of some things I like to think about...
- Snowcapped Mountains
- Crossing guards helping little kids get to school
- Crunchy leaves
- When people snort when they laugh
- Being chased by Chiuahuahs
- Getting phone calls/text messages from my sisters
- People who whistle or sing to themselves on campus
- Laughing when it's supposed to be quiet
- When you're singing songs in sacrament meeting and the kid behind you sings really loud and off key... but he's happy about it
- Flannel sheets-especially just after you put them on
- Edward Cullen... Just kidding. Or am I...
- Emilie finding my future husband
- My truck
- Running up the stairs at my house
- Inside jokes
- Cloudy days
- Sunny days
- Just days
There's much more but I gotta get back to work. It just amazes me how much the little things matter

Sunday, November 2, 2008