Monday, July 13, 2009

A Change of Plans

So... As most of you know my summer plans have changed rather dramatically. I'll now be spending the remainder of the summer in Fiji with a humanitarian aide group called HELP International. I'll be keeping up a blog with pictures and journal entries if you guys want to keep tabs on me :) Wish me luck!

Monday, January 26, 2009

My forearms are sore... How does this even happen?

So I decided on a couple things this weekend:
1. I'm going to get freaking good at rock climbing. I went Saturday night with some friends. It was a blast, but my forearms are so sore! I didn't know that was even possible. How do you even work those muscles without doing more rock climbing? It's a mystery. Any ideas Ang?
2. I'm going to get in to mountain biking. This will have to wait until summer, and I'll probably kill myself (last time I was on a bike I rode it into a lake... on accident), but it will be sweet!
3. I'm running the Provo River Half Marathon this summer. Yeah baby. Ang, Em, you in?

Look Mauri, I did my own post!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Just Because...

Here are a couple pictures of Jessica & Mauri baking cookies. Yes, she does bake.