Monday, January 26, 2009

My forearms are sore... How does this even happen?

So I decided on a couple things this weekend:
1. I'm going to get freaking good at rock climbing. I went Saturday night with some friends. It was a blast, but my forearms are so sore! I didn't know that was even possible. How do you even work those muscles without doing more rock climbing? It's a mystery. Any ideas Ang?
2. I'm going to get in to mountain biking. This will have to wait until summer, and I'll probably kill myself (last time I was on a bike I rode it into a lake... on accident), but it will be sweet!
3. I'm running the Provo River Half Marathon this summer. Yeah baby. Ang, Em, you in?

Look Mauri, I did my own post!


Cami said...

My forearms used to get so sore rock climbing too... I understand you're supposed to use your legs more to keep your arms from getting sore, but it's easier said than done! Good luck with your goals.

The Patty Cake House said...

WHAT THE HOLY....... YOU ARE RUNNING THE MARATHON WITHOUT YOUR BELOVED!!!!!!(Your beloved would be me!) I'm so sad!!!! I will be there in your heart - saying "Go Jessica - Oh Yeah - You Got It - You Run With Your Bad Self!" I love you!!!!!

Unknown said...

I love that you wrote something! I also love that you speak to me in French. If you were a guy, you would have my heart. Not that you don't already have a good chunk because I LOVE YOU!!! You are amazing!

Leighton & Mauri said...

Yay for Jess!! I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work of posting. Remember, just once a week, a little hello and people will love you even more for it!

It's a Wonderful Life said...

Jess, you know I am in!!! I would love to do that with you. I am going to also be doing the mesa falls marathon here, you want to come? I love ya

Kellie & Cody said...

Jessica! I just wanted to say HELLO!! Hope life is treating you fantastic!!!